Thoughts, Dynamics 365, random business ideas, etc.

Unlock the ultimate vacation with ChatGPT

I went to Italy. I used Chat GPT a lot. I know there’s lots of other tools that are probably better for each individual thing, but Chat GPT did a pretty good job of being a Swiss army knife. Here’s some of the ways I used it.

Using ChatGPT to help me pronounce foreign words

I went to Greve in Chianti. Apparently, it used to be called just Greve, but then got included in the Chianti DOCG region at some point in the 1930s and decided to change its name in the 1970s. Regardless, I didn’t know how to pronounce it.

Using ChatGPT to help me find similarities in wines

As you might surmise, I was in wine country. I don’t know anything about wines other than how to sort by price, low to high. I’ve found in Europe, the wines aren’t classified or sold in the same way as they are in the US. In the US (at least the types of wines I buy) are branded based on the grape variety and region they’re from and also, I usually don’t drink Italian wine. I’m not real confident on how to find a wine to choose from a list of 20 of them if they’re not grouped in varieties I know.

Enter Chat GPT.

Using Chat GPT to find stuff to do

This one feels like a no-brainer since I used it so many times it felt like an extension of my mind. From the initial planning of the trip, to helping me focus on things to do in areas that I found myself, Chat GPT does a pretty good job of giving recommendations on where to go and what to do.

What to do in Lucca.

Chat GPT suggesting things to do in Lucca, Italy

I’m in Florence – what should I do?

Just saw the Duomo – what’s next?

Using Chat GPT as a virtual tour guide

I toured the Colisseum and the Forum in Rome, saw David in Florence, and wandered around other places. As you might expect, I had questions. Chat GPT did a great job of being a one stop shop to answer anything I was curious about (and even understanding my typos when using my phone.)

Why do I see fleur-de-lis everywhere I look in Florence.

Is the fleur-de-lis in Florence associated with the French somehow?

What in the world is this thing?

This stuff smells like lemon but looks like mint. What is it?

Hmm, these rocks look interesting. Wonder why they have those lines on them…


Two true statements. Italy’s nice. I’m a very curious person.

I love having the ability to bring up my phone and ask the internet any type of question I have. Chat GPT seems to be exceptionally good at answering me, though. The strongest aspects in my mind are the ability to take inputs other than text (like photos), to be aware of the context of the discussion you’re having to enable follow-ups, and that you don’t have to click all over the place for it. It’s super impressive how easily and quickly it’s able to get me the info I’m interested in from a single app.

Want more about Chat GPT? Here.


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